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G-Solutions - eServices

  • eHealth and Telemedicine
    We provide concrete advice and assistance on how to use eHealth and telemedicine to reduce the negative public health effects of underdevelopment or under-population in a region. Medical prevention, diagnosis and even treatment options can be substantially improved using ICT, for example through the electronic transmission of X-ray photographs, blood samples, and EKG results. In this way, better care can be provided to patients at elevated risk for heart disease or diabetes. Using telemedicine, patients in poor or rural areas can consult with physicians and specialists located hundreds or thousands of kilometres away, improving diagnostic and treatment results and helping to compensate for the lack of specialists in the local area.

  • Distance Learning
    Drawing upon our practical experience in similar projects, we help school districts and other educational institutions establish distance learning programs. Using distance learning, students in rural areas can be taught without even having to travel to a school building – which in some areas may be located more than an hour away. Through the skillful use of presentation technology and teleconferencing, the existing number of subject-matter teachers in rural areas can be optimally utilized and the bussing of school students can be reduced or even eliminated. Lessons in one school can be instantly transmitted to other schools in the same area, allowing several classes to share one teacher at the same time. It is also possible to transmit the lesson directly into the students’ homes.

  • Citizens Service Management
    The G-Group brings its expertise in real-world citizen service projects to bear to help governments dramatically improve the provision of citizen services in rural or metropolitan areas. For example, telephone or internet-based services make it possible for citizens to instantly request and receive services in even the most remote of areas. Mobile citizen service centers based on ICT mean that services can be provided directly to small towns and villages in which a full-time government office would not be economical. ICT also makes it possible for staff in one government office – a village town hall, for example – to provide the services of another level of government, such as a county, regional administration or even the neighboring village. Such technologies can be successfully implemented in thinly populated rural areas or in the largest of metropolises. Often, the utilization of ICT in such projects brings with it a wide range of side benefits, such as additional statistical information, information about citizen concerns, and improved quality and performance control.

  • eWork/Telecommuting
    Using ICT, employees can work for their employer from their home computer or from nearby satellite offices. For the employer, the employee is seamlessly integrated into the corporate work and communications structure. In rural, underdeveloped and remote areas, the establishment of eWork office facilities equipped with broadband access and the latest ICT technology can serve as a base of operations for a professional class of high-skilled telecommuters working for corporations on the other side of the country or the world. This can have a correspondingly significant impact upon the economy of a small community, stopping the “brain drain” of trained personnel to large cities, reducing long and expensive commutes, and potentially halting population decline. The G-Group has experience in consulting with local governments to establish such eWork centers and can provide assistance to other organizations interested in creating them.


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