G-Consulting - Design

Process and Organisational Redesign

Our understanding of design includes the redesign of processes and organisations to effectively implement eGovernment and optimally reap its benefits. Processes and organisations can be redesigned to make them more efficient and take advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT Electronic work management systems need to be introduced which enable the IT-based management of cases, documents and workflows.

Currently, in public administration such processes are carried out only to a limited extent electronically. Existing electronic processes may have several media breaks or may represent a continuation of older, paper-based processes in electronic form. Such breaks in media continuity create inefficiencies within and between the cooperating organizations, which may communicate poorly with each other or have inefficient structures. The goal of a comprehensive modernization is to achieve a completely integrated administration across various levels (information, documents and processes). Designing the work process is a critical part of such a project; Organisations must often also be restructured to optimally use these processes. Success can mean better accountability, efficiency, performance management and overall public value; failure can mean wasted opportunity, time, and money. The G-Group’s G-Consulting unit works with governments in the redesign of organisations and work processes to ensure the best possible outcome. The G-Group has particular expertise in the following areas:

  • Document Management:
    We can help you implement electronic document management systems which can dramatically improve information flows and processes within your organization. G-consulting can help you define the process, document and standard requirements for electronic document and record management.

  • Joined-up Government
    ICT also offers revolutionary potential to “join up government” by the creation of new service architectures which focus on providing services irrespective of institutional and departmental limits. G-Consulting works closely with governments at the local and state level to implement such architectures, not only from a technical perspective, but more importantly, from an organisational perspective.

  • Citizen Services
    Citizen’s perceptions of their government are based most strongly upon direct interactions between the citizen and the government. ICT can be used to dramatically change the way citizen services are provided and managed, making government more customer-oriented and providing better information to citizens and policymakers. G-Consulting can help you design and implement such changes.

  • Shared Services:
    The internal sharing of services between different government organizations also offers the potential to reduce costs and duplication and increase efficiency. G-consulting can advise you on how to effectively share services within your organization.

  • Public Workflows
    Public Workflows can be reorganized using ICT, improving effectiveness and reducing cost. G-Consulting can analyze your workflows, tell you how they can be improved through ICT, and help you make these improvements a reality.


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